Kirk Law Office Recognized by Industry Leaders

Wisconsin Lawyers Mutual Insurance Company (WILMIC) provides professional liability insurance to attorneys of Wisconsin. Their 2013 Annual Report to Policyholders featured Kirk Law Office,

“Kirk’s decision to simplify her practice approach mirrors moves seen nationally and in Wisconsin of firms downsizing and attorneys going solo. In her case, the combination of modern marketing savvy and old-fashioned relationship building put her closer in touch with work she enjoys and clients that are a good fit.
For Wisconsin Lawyers Mutual, there is a lot to learn from this valued policyholder. Kirk’s strong sense of her goals as a lawyer serving clients and as a businesswoman active in her community makes it a good fit all around.”

A full copy of the Annual Report and article can be found here:  AnnualReport-1.

Thank you, WILMIC, for all that you have done, and continue to do, to make my life easier!
